Confidence and Independence
~ I feel I am developing as an independent and
confident learner because I am somewhat shyer naturally and I usually am afraid to step outside the box for new ideas. I’ve noticed that I seek out new information, about everything in general, but
in particular for this course I have tried to find different genres that may be interesting to me as well as students. I have developed skills that allow me to dedicate myself 100% to studying and being
focused. Learning and reading is enjoyable, which gives me confidence.
Skills and Strategies
~ I am learning new skills and strategies that
I can implement with Penny’s class as well as in the future. Some examples
are having and teaching communication is very important, teaching literature opportunities by giving the students choices,
relating the literature to real life, and engaging each other as a learning tool. Role
playing and brainstorming are great ways to teach communication. I enjoyed the
book sale we did for Penny’s class because we got to get into the book a little bit and try to make it interesting for
the sixth graders. Literature circles are an important part because it allows the students to dig deeper within them. I feel
confident about these strategies.
Knowledge Content
~ I feel my knowledge content is mediocre. I feel confident about getting the students interested in the story and using literature
in different lesson plan for different curriculum as well as expanding my literary genres.
I feel I could wing a writing workshop and creative drama because I love reading and writing and literature so much
as an individual, but I do not feel confident about recognizing literary elements of hand.
Use of Prior and Emerging
~ Some experience and knowledge that I might
have brought to the course is spending time with students for Coila’s class. I went and spent time on a second grade
class and it was an eye-opener in the aspects of the student’s variety of reading and writing levels as well as the
difference in the student’s confidence. When trying to incorporate short
skits or drama, some kids are very uncomfortable doing this. Some students can read to themselves, but are to shy to read
aloud and it hurts their confidence when they stumble over words. I have also
learned previously to this class ways of engaging students in the story.
Critical Reflection
~ I feel I have learned important aspects of
literature in this course as well as ways I need to work on in order to help the students gain the same confidence and independent
learning skills. I realize that literature is important and can have lasting
impressions on children and as teachers should reflect on this before choosing literature to present to the class. I feel I need to get more familiar with the students in Penny’s class as well as the other classes
I am observing. Sometimes I feel the cooperating teachers are not comfortable
with me being there because I am just learning teaching strategies and skills and I tend to hold back and not get completely