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Educating Linguistically Diverse Students

Weekly Scribe

Daily Scribe 3/20/2008


As the daily scribe this fabulous Thursday, March 20, 2008…. I a happy to report that we began our Chautauqua performances with our students in Mrs. Bradshaw’s 5th grade class at Apache Elementary.  We gathered in their square in small groups and began brainstorming characters and important aspects of this performance.  After brainstorming with the students and having them create interview questions, we hung out in the parking lot, laughing a lot.  Spring break is in the air!!!  Warm weather and the horizon of a week off, makes even adults in college a little goofy!  Moving on…we headed to Junction Square!  Everyone was hungry…we ordered food and discussed our students at Apache while eating and visiting.  Frances shared her own midterm reflection with us. We all enjoyed and appreciated her sharing that with us.  Discussing each others individual students and the progress we made during our visit, we are reminded to use practical applications from text. Who in our groups are field dependent, abstract thinkers, have independent and dependent learning styles…that have high or low context, involvement, and considerateness.  Remember to encourage students to have two-three character options and to get detail, details, and details.  In conclusion we went around and predicted what kid of progress we can expect from the students next time we visit.  Everyone wished each other a great vacation and bid farewell.

Cassady Heath