Cassady's Children's Literature

Weekly Scribe & Tibbett's Lit. Circle Reflections

Weekly Scribe & Tibbett's Lit. Circle Reflections
Storytelling Festival
Book Sale
Author / Illustrator focus
Helpful Resources
Midterm and Final Reflections

"When a day passes it is no longer there. What remains of it?  Nothing more than a story.  Of stories weren't told or books weren't written, man would live like Beasts-only for a day.  Today, we live, but tomorrow today will be a story.  The whole world, all human life, is one long story."
~ I.B.Singer in Cooper and Collins' (1992) Look What Happened to Frog pg.8


10/08/2007: I have been enlighted by Uma.  Never have I thought about the possibilities of closing a child's mind by what they read in subtext.  It is so important to learn about different lifestyles and worldly cultures in turn makes it important to introduce everything we can to children.
10/15/2007: Seeing examples and learing about all the different genres has been challenging and interesting at the same time. I was unaware of the way a book can go into a few different genres.  I think itas important to remember what children would connect to and use it to our advantage.
10/22/2007: I missed class today. Yucky flu! Just wanted to thank Richelle for voluteering to trade class scribe days. I apprecaite it!
11/05/2007: I was the scribe I have a bunch of stuff to share~~~

Children Literature ~ November 5, 2007


            Today in Children’s lit. We had fun reviewing parts of a story by writing our own plot and setting on note cards and then acting them out in our characters with a friend. It was fun to see everyone back into their characters.  We also reviewed literary genres and elements with our friend and then again on whole class.

            After review we then tromped to Penny’s class for our Lit. Circles. They had an assembly in the morning, so class was short, but our group was able to present a model literature circle for our sixlets and read two more chapters. We partnered up in our roles with a student during the presentation and I feel it really did help the students to see exactly what each role requires and I think they liked seeing us do something, too.

            Then, we hauled buns to the college and met in the old library. There Frances shared some resources with us that will be beneficial now and in the future. Frances also shared with us a great way to learn about characterization.  Using pictures out of magazines, students can imagine what the particular character is, feels, knows wants, etc. We discussed how literary elements can be brought into our literature circles and we realized it is important for Penny’s sixlets to be knowledgeable and aware of the elements while reading.

Lastly and before we left, Shawn presented his genre and literary element.  He gave us a great overview of Fantasy. We learned that there is traditional fantasy and modern fantasy in which both have separate characteristics.  As a class we decided that we did not agree that the actual definition and included other genres, such as folktale, really fit what we considered traditional fantasy. Traditional fantasy can be characterized by not having a known author as well as it being an actual “collected” item.  Some specific characteristics of modern fantasy are that the author is known; it is imaginative and often uses animals and objects with special abilities.  Shawn described that modern fantasy has motifs such as they include magic, other worlds, good vs. evil, heroism, and a hero’s journey.  Such literature though of as modern fantasy is: Harry Potter, as well as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Shawn’s literary element was “point of view” in which he described the narratives point of views including 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person as well as the protagonist view.

All in all class…it was a good day!!!


11/12/2007: Today we practiced our characters with a partner on the spot. Its funny to see how everyone can really get into character.  I think using pictures as writing prompts are a fun way to get studebts to use their imaginations.


11/19/2007: I think today we went to the public library and went over peoples genres and literary elements.  We are learning that some genres have some grey spots and could cross over to other genres.  Its fun learning about the literary elements because I learned them so long ago as a kid and in high school.  These elements are so important.


11/26/2007: Coming back from was a nice break.  We discussed censorship and I learned that alot of books are actually banned books.  This really boggles me because I fully believe reading for personal value could come in many different forms.  We must remember that we are reading a "historical fiction" book or a "fantasy" and it allows our imaginations to grow.


12/03/2007: Went back to class after Tibbett's and reviewed our genres and literary elements and began websitre presentations. Both Ben's and Richelle's were really good.


10/01/2007:  I am excited.  The booksale was alot more fun than I expected. I was bummed they didn't choose Bud, not Buddy but I am excited to get started on the books they chose.  The students seem to really like us being there and I hope we can provide them some substantial time.
10/08/2007: Learning how to communicate is such an important life skill.  The role playing about proper communication will help our Lit circles.  I started reading Among the Hidden and I can't wait to start sharing.  Its a great book.
10/15/2007: Today we began by reading aloud to the group. After each chapter we would try to iniatate discussion. our group leader for the day was very bright. He was thinking of great inquisitive questions and the group was responding well. There are a few students that are seem interested in the book but not really willing to share yet. I think by the time we are done reading this book, all the students will have an oppurtunity to reflect their own ideas about hidden children and Luke's situation.
11/05/2007: Today was a short day for the sixlets, but I feel we managed to accomplish a better understanding of the specific roles in a literature cirlce. Althought the students sat with their adult of their specific role, they may be able to grasp the concept completely by participation in our demostration.  I feel their our certian people, both UNM and Sixlets that hinder our group from advancing.  It does take alot of practice to learn everyone and what they are comfortable doing or not doing. Some people need to let go of the reins a little and let others join in during participation.
11/12/2007: They are getting the hang of the Literature Circle Roles and I think  they really like it. Once we had more oppurtunity to let them practice and not hover over them, they really got into it.  I enjoy reading aloud to them as well.
11/19/2007: We were unable to do Lit. Circles today because the sixlets were testing.  It was a really good chance to practice assessments for us.  They test were somewhat similar to a running record and it gives us UNM students good practice at what kind of assessments we might j=have to administer.
11/23/2007: We video taped for the first time today.  The students were freaked out but when the camera came on they did just fine.  It is so fun to see what they have learned shine through.  They can actually carry on a good discussion about the book without our help.
12/3/2007: Last time to video tape. We let them do a practice run and they were pro's by the time we were rolling.  One students is a real natural leader and the others all have really great strenghts.  Its almost as if their roles fit theri personalities or maybe its just that they are enjoying the discussions.